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Women's Ministry

The Women's Ministry empowers women through fellowship, support, and discipleship, encouraging them to grow in their faith and service.

National Women's Council is one of the E.P.A.D.R (Eglise de Pentecote Des Assemblée de Dieu au Rwanda) departments that operates under the leadership and direct supervision of the Assemblies of God Chief Superintendent. It started in 2003 under the leadership of Rwanda's Assemblies of God founder.


The National Women's Council has a committee of four ladies (Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer) with an advisory team of three Pastors.


Out of 170 churches across the country, women amount to 8,707 in total. 

The current committee was elected around January 2023 and has its siege at the Bible College Kanombe normally known as BTC. The committee works directly with the 7 provincial heads who also work with the parishes under them for easy operationalization.

If you're a woman looking for a supportive community to grow in faith and service, join us! Stay up-to-date with our upcoming events and find a women's group near you. Let's grow together!

Leadership Team

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